Hierarchical Agglomerative clustering

A. Feature

  • Make hierarchical tree of clusters, where each depth has different number of clusters and the proper depth can be chose depending on total number of clusters.
  • A child node imply one of the meanings parent node indicates in detail.
    • Assuming clustering sentences, Keywords extracted from each cluster(node) can be regarded as hierachchical topic tree from major topic to sub topics by its parent-child relationship.
  • The results can vary greatly depending on which metric you use to calculate the distance.

B. Process

  1. Assume n data is n clusters.
  2. Find two clusters with the closest distance and combine them into one cluster.
  3. Repeat #2 until one cluster remains

C. Option

  • distance metric
    • cosine distance
    • euclidean distance
  • linkage (points you use to calculate the distance)
    • complete(max): the distance between the furthest points of each cluster
    • single(min): the distance between the closest points of each cluster
    • ward(average): the distance between average vectors of points of each cluster

Python example

1. Clustering w/ sickit-learn

import numpy as np
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering

data = np.random.rand(500, 64)
n_cluster = 20
cosine_cl_model = AgglomerativeClustering(affinity="cosine", n_clusters=n_cluster, linkage="complete")
cosine_label_list = list(cosine_cl_model.labels_)

2. Make Tree

  • Make tree
    import itertools
    ii = itertools.count(data.shape[0])
    tree = [[] for i in range(2*len(data)-1)]
    for x in cosine_cl_model.children_:
      parent_node = next(ii)
      tree[parent_node].append(x[0]) # left child
      tree[parent_node].append(x[1]) # left child
  • Get depth list
    depth_list = [[] for i in range(len(data))]
    root_node = len(data) + len(cosine_cl_model.children_) - 1
    get_depth(root_node, 0)

3. Arrange Cluster by Depth

  • Get max depth
    max_depth = None
    for depth, node_list in enumerate(depth_list):
      if len(node_list)>0:
          max_depth = depth-1
  • number of clusters by depth
    cluster_list = [[] for i in range(max_depth+1)]
    for depth in range(0, max_depth+1):
      if depth==0:
          cluster_node = set(depth_list[depth])
          cluster_list[depth] = list(cluster_node)
          #  cluster node of previous depth + cluster node of current depth - cluster node of previous depth which have child node
          cluster_node = set(cluster_list[depth-1] + depth_list[depth])
          parent_node = set([node for node in depth_list[depth-1] if len(tree[node])>0])
          cluster_node = cluster_node.difference(parent_node)
          cluster_list[depth] = list(cluster_node)
      print("depth {depth}: {cluster_num}".format(depth=depth, cluster_num=len(cluster_node)))

Reference and Implementation: #TODO

  • reference: [Data Mining] Hierarchical agglomerative Clustering

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