FCM, The Fuzzy C-Means clustering algorithm

A. Feature

  • Each data point can belong to more than one cluster (Soft Clustering).
    • The degree of belonging to each centroid is represented by scalar between 0 and 1.
    • It seems proper to cluster which the boundary is ambiguous such as natural language task.
  • Likewise other prototype-based clustering such as K-means family, Fuzzy C-means clustering finds optimal status through repetition.

B. Process

  1. Choose a number of clusters, K
  2. Assign randomly to each point coefficients for being in the clusters.
  3. Compute the centroid for each cluster.
  4. For each point, compute its coefficients of being in the clusters.
  5. Repeat 3 & 4 until the coefficients’ change between two iterations is no more than the given sensitivity threshold

C. Option

  • distance metric
    • cosine distance
    • euclidean distance
    • mahalanobis distance

Python example

1. Generate sample data

  • Define three cluster centers
    centers = [[4, 2],
             [1, 7],
             [5, 6]]
  • Define three cluster sigmas in x and y, respectively
    sigmas = [[0.8, 0.3],
            [0.3, 0.5],
            [1.1, 0.7]]
  • Generate test data
    np.random.seed(42)  # Set seed for reproducibility
    xpts = np.zeros(1)
    ypts = np.zeros(1)
    labels = np.zeros(1)
    for i, ((xmu, ymu), (xsigma, ysigma)) in enumerate(zip(centers, sigmas)):
      xpts = np.hstack((xpts, np.random.standard_normal(200) * xsigma + xmu))
      ypts = np.hstack((ypts, np.random.standard_normal(200) * ysigma + ymu))
      labels = np.hstack((labels, np.ones(200) * i))
    alldata = np.vstack((xpts, ypts))

2. Clustering w/ fuzzy_cmeans class

(python implementation is posted on github)

n_clusters = 3
m = 2
metric = "euclidean" # "cosine" # "mahalanobis"
optimization = ["weights"] # ["weights", "centers", "error"]
fcm_model = fuzzy_cmeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, m=m, metric=metric, min_error_change=1e-4, min_weights_change=1e-6, max_iter=500, verbose=False)
fcm_model.fit(X, optimization=optimization)

Reference and Implementation:

© 2022.03. by bigshane